Firm 'Tax Consulting Krzysztof Jan Majczyk "provides services in the field of tax advice, representation before tax authorities and administrative courts, and provides services in a comprehensive financial services - accounting, personnel matters - and wage settlements with ZUS.
Firm 'Tax Consulting Krzysztof Jan Majczyk "meets the requirements for compulsory insurance against civil liability in accordance with Article. 44 paragraph 1 of the Law on Tax Advisory Services (unified text: Dz. Laws of 2008, No. 73,. 443).
Office staff is composed of several persons team consisting of both the owner and having higher education law and economics, as well as with highly-qualified accountant - design, which has long experience in the accounting of companies and individuals abroad, as well as a trainee, supplementing the higher education law and economics.
Office of the owner is a lawyer involved in all areas of commercial law, in particular for tax advice and accounting. Owner maintained for several years, both the Firm Tax and Accounting Office, including actively occurs before the tax authorities and courts, in addition to many years systematically publish comments tax, accounting and economic WoltersKluwer Poland and other publications of economic law.